Fabiola B Sozzi
Professor of Cardiology
University of Milan
Dr. Fabiola Sozzi works as a staff cardiologist at the University Hospital Policlinico of Milan, Italy. She has high skills in multimodality non-invasive diagnosis of coronary artery disease using echocardiography integrated with cardiac CT, MRI and nuclear. She also works in the acute clinical setting treating acute cardiac syndromes. She gained a high expertise in echocardiography at the Thoraxcentre of Rotterdam (NL), where she defended the PhD thesis on stress cardiac imaging under the supervision of Professor J. Roelandt. She is Visiting Professor at the University of Milan where she leads several research projects and teaches at the Faculty of Medicine and School of Specialization of Cardiology. She is author of 65 papers published in peer-reviewed international journals.
Research Interest
Cardiac imaging, echocardiography, coronary CT, cardiac MRI